
2024-05-28 14:19

1. 中科大奚宏生教授的简历

奚宏生,教授,博士生导师, 1950 年 5 月 1 日生于上海市。 1977 年毕业于中国科学技术大学数学系应用数学专业,现代控制理论方向,获理学硕士学位。现任中国科技大学信息学院副院长,全国自动化教学指导委员会委员。
(1)离散事件动态系统研究,涉及到 Markov 控制过程,排队网络, Hybrid 系统的性能分析与优化。
在上述研究方向主持国家自然科学基金,国家 863 项目,国家高性能计算基金,高水平大学科研基金和安徽省自然科学基金等项目。在国内外学术刊物发表学术论文六十余篇。其中近三年来,被 SCI,EI 收录二十余篇


2. 中国科技大学所有在校教师名单

        2003  陈国良  李尚志
        2006  程福臻
        2007  霍剑青 施蕴渝
        2009  史济怀

        2003  程福臻 霍剑青
        2006  何平笙  史济怀  胡友秋  王秀喜  阮图南  吴清松  徐耀忠
        2007  施蕴渝  向守平  孙立广  季孝达  陈祖墀  张祖德  陈意云

3. 杨亚宁的中国科技大学教授

杨亚宁,博士,统计学教授。专业研究方向为生物统计。目前研究方向为基因统计,生物信息学,生存分析。 感兴趣的其它方向有离散数据分析,贝叶斯统计应用,多元分析,机器学习,经验过程的大样本理论等。 近三年部分发表文章:2010年  Anthony Y.C. Kuk, Jinfeng Xu and Yaning Yang (2010). A study of the efficiency of pooling in haplotype estimation. Bioinformatics, 26(20): 2556-2563.  Gao Wang, Yaning Yang and Jurg Ott (2010). Genome-wide conditional search for epistatic disease-predisposing variants in human association studies. Human Heredity, 70(1):34-41.  Xing Hua, Han Zhang, Hong Zhang, Yaning Yang, and Anthony Y.C. Kuk (2010). Testing multiple gene interactions by the ordered combinatorial partitioning method in case-control studies. Bioinformatics, 26(15):1871-1879.  2009年  Anthony Kuk, Han Zhang, and Yaning Yang (2009). Computationally feasible estimation of haplotype frequencies from pooled genotype data with and without assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Bioinformatics, 25(3): 379-386.  Chengqing Wu, Hong Zhang, Xiangtao Liu, Andrew DeWan, Robert Dubrow, Zhiliang Ying, Yaning Yang, Josephine Hoh (2009). Detecting Essential and Removable Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies. Statistics and its Interface, 2(2): 161-170.  Cheng Wu, Zhanfeng Wang, Lijie Liu, Peng Zhao, Wenjing Wang, Dingkang Yao, Bing Shi, Junhhua Lu, Ping Liao, Yaning Yang, and LiangZhu, L. (2009). Surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization profiling: a new diagnostic method of HBV related hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24 (1): 55-62.  Feng Yang, Weiping Ma, Zhanfeng Wang, Zhiliang Ying, and Yaning Yang (2009). Alignment of protein mass spectrometry data by integrated Markov chain shifting method. Statistics and its interface 2 (3), 329-340.  Gang Zheng, J. Joo, and Yaning Yang (2009). Pearsons test, trend test, and MAX are all trend tests with different types of scores. Annals of Human Genetics, 73:133-140.  Jan Freudenberg, Mingyi Wang, Yaning Yang, and Wentian Li (2009). Partial correlation indicate causal relation- ships for GC-content and recombination rate variation in the human genome. BMC Bioinformatics, 10(suppl 1): S66.  Min Yuan, Yaning Yang and Gang Zheng (2009). Two-stage genome-wide association studies with DNA pooling and genetic model selections, Statistica Sinica, 19 (4):1769-1786.  MinYuan, Tian, X., Gang Zheng, and Yaning Yang (2009). Adaptive transmission disequilibrium test for family trio design. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 8(1): Article 30.  Ting Yan, Bo Hou, and Yaning Yang (2009). Correcting for cryptic relatedness by a regression -based genomic control method. BMC Genetics, 10:Art. No. 78.  Wentian Li, and Yaning Yang (2009). Fractal characterizations of MAX statistical distribution in genetic association studies. Advances in Complex Systems, 12(4-5): 513-531.  Yaning Yang, C. He, Jurg Ott (2009). Testing interaction by partitioning chi-squares, Annals of Human Genetics. 73:109-117.  2008年  Gang Zheng, Mark Meyer, Wentian Li, Yaning Yang (2008). Comparison of two-phase analyses for case-control genetic association studies. Statistics in Medicine, 27 (24): 5054-5075.  Han Zhang, Hsin-Chou Yang, Yaning Yang (2008). PoooL: An efficient method for estimating haplotype frequencies from large DNA pool. Bioinformatics, 24 (17): 1942-1948.  Jinfeng Xu, Yaning Yang, Zhiliang Ying, Jurg Ott (2008). Testing linkage disequilibrium from pooled DNA: a contingency table perspective. Statistics in Medicine, 27: 5801-5815.  Wentian Li, Young Ju Suh, Yaning Yang (2008). Selecting More Powerful Tests in Case-Control Genetic Analysis Using Phase Diagrams. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 32(6):391-399.  Wenquan Cui, Kai Li, Yaning Yang, Yuehua Wu (2008). Random weighting method for Cox’s proportional hazards model. Science in China (A) , 51 (10): 1843-1854.


4. 中科大那位教授最出名


5. 中国科技大学尹学斌教授



6. 中国科技大学搞西化的教授叫什么


7. 中科大目前的化学教授有哪些?都是什么化学专业?



8. 2015年中科大物理学院教授是谁
