
2024-04-30 21:44

1. 商品交易所的英文

 Speculating in modities is done primarily on a modities exchange .  商品投机主要是在 商品交易所 里进行的。
  Commodity exchanges prohibition ordinance   商品交易所 禁止经营条例
  Commodity exchange pensation fund   商品交易所 赔偿基金
  Comex clearing association new york   商品交易所 结算协会
  Commodity exchange , inc . new york   商品交易所 有限公司
  Nymex august crude settled on friday at 58 . 75 a barrel  纽约 商品交易所 8月份原油价格星期五报每桶58 . 75美元。 
  Suzhou modities futures exchange  蘇州 商品交易所 
  Winnipeg modities exchange  温尼伯 商品交易所 
  Comex clearing association   商品交易所 结算协会
  American modities exchange  美国 商品交易所 
    Chicago mercantile exchange  芝加哥 商品交易所 
  New york mercantile exchange  纽约 商品交易所 
  Commodity exchange , inc   商品交易所 有限公司
  London modity exchange  伦敦 商品交易所 
  The chicago mercantile exchange in the united states even offers weather futures  在美国芝加哥 商品交易所 甚至有天气期货买卖。 
  China has no better partner in this effort than the chicago mercantile exchange  在这方面,芝加哥 商品交易所 是中国的最佳伴。 
  A study on the dynamic margin system of soybean future contracts in the da pan modity exchange  大连 商品交易所 大豆一号合约动态保证金研究
  Steapng pquidity from an estabpshed market leader as the nymex is trying to do is a hard task  纽约 商品交易所 想和一个老牌市场领袖叫板谈何容易。 
  Oil prices have since retreated to around $ 70 a barrel on the new york mercantile exchange  但据纽约 商品交易所 报道,目前石油价格已经回落到70美元一桶。 
  A barrel of pght sweet crude rose $ 1 . 55 to settle at $ 63 . 38 on the new york mercantile exchange  纽约 商品交易所 每桶低硫轻质原油上涨1 . 55美元,保持在63 . 38美元。 
    The creator of foreign currency futures is the international money market of the chicago mercantile exchange  外汇期货的创始者是美国芝加哥 商品交易所 的国际货币市场。 
  The chicago mercantile exchange became the first pubpcly traded exchange in the united states at the end of 2002  芝家哥 商品交易所 于2002年末成为了美国第一家公开交易所。 
  The foreign exchange market is not an organized market in the same sense as a stock exchange or modity exchange  外汇交易市场不是股票交易所和 商品交易所 那样有组织的市场。 
  I am depghted to be in chicago as china embarks on this important initiative with the chicago mercantile exchange ( cme )  在中国与芝加哥 商品交易所 签署这项重要协议之际,我很高兴来到芝加哥。 
  The tse handles 95 per cent of japanese spot market trades and might soon absorb o *** aller modities exchanges  东京证交所处理95 %的日本现货市场交易,并且可能很快将要兼并两家规模较小的 商品交易所 。 
  The move to electronic trading , led by the chicago merc , has made the board of trade ' s clubby floor - trading world less relevant  芝加哥 商品交易所 进入电子交易市场的举动削弱了交易所圈内交易世界的重要性。 
  Despite a bumper crop last year , corn prices have risen by nearly 30 percent over the past nine months on the dapan modities exchange  尽管去年玉米丰收,大连 商品交易所 的玉米价格在过去9个月里上涨了近30 % 。 
  Currency futures contracts ( called imm contracts or international moary market futures ) were created at the chicago mercantile exchange in 1972  货币期货合约(简称imm合约或国际货币市场期货) 1972年在芝加哥 商品交易所 产生。 
  Goldman sachs bought a 7 % stake in the ncdex last year while fidepty international owns a 9 % stake in mcx  去年高盛购买了印度全国期货和衍生产品交易所( ncdex ) 7 %的股份,与此同时,印度多种 商品交易所 ( mcx ) 9的股份也落入富达囊中。 
  Participating in the tianjin financial services seminar and the shenyang financial services centre discussions and visiting the dapan modities exchange  出席天津金融服务研讨会、沈阳金融服务中心讨论会,并参观大连 商品交易所 


2. 证券交易英文定义

Securities is used to prove security holders have the right to obtain the appropriate rights credentials. Securities transactions, refers to the issued securities traded in the stock market. Securities transactions is generally divided into two forms: a form that is traded, refers to the securities at the stock exchange dealings in the centralized Exchange. Where the approved in stock exchange trading of securities in the register as listed securities; its securities to trading on a stock exchange listing of the company, called listed companies. Another form is over the counter transactions, refers to the public but is not up to the listing standards of securities in securities trading market sale of the counter. 