
2024-05-18 09:33

1. 美国虹软公司的创始人

邓晖(Michael Deng)——美国(虹软)公司 全球总裁兼CEOMichael Deng, Ph.D.President and Chief Executive OfficerAs co-founder of ArcSoft, Inc., Michael Deng has played a significant role in driving ArcSoft to one of the highest ranked imaging companies in the industry. With his long-term business vision and effective strategy, Michael has led the company to stand as a worldwide leading imaging software and internet solutions provider. Prior to ArcSoft, Michael worked as a software engineer, specializing in the development of high-performance device drivers and graphics applications for major developers such as Enertronic Research, Inc. Michael's solid academic background includes extensive post-doctorate research and teaching at University of Cambridge, UK.1962年出生于北京。1979年考入北京大学技术物理系核物理专业,本科毕业后在本校继续攻读硕士。1986年北京大学硕士研究生毕业后赴美国华盛顿大学攻读博士学位,毕业后在英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室做博士后研究及教学。1991年美国华盛顿大学获博士学位。1994年在美国硅谷创办虹软公司出任总裁兼CEO至今。1999年邓晖受国务院邀请,作为副团长率领留学生企业家代表团参加国庆50周年,并接受中央领导的接见。


2. 美国虹软公司的旗下产品

虹软公司自成立以来,凭借在影像专业领域的资深优势,围绕图形图像和视频处理的数码影像技术上的核心竞争力,拥有高级技术研究中心及三大产品线:■ 消费影像内容管理制作产品线■嵌入式移动多媒体整体产品线■ 视频家庭娱乐产品线 ·数码相机Panorama Maker 4 ProPhotoStudio 6PhotoStudio Darkroom 1.5Cut-It-OutMediaImpressionRAW Thumbnail ViewerPrint Creations·数码相框MediaImpression·闪存卡MediaImpression·打印机Print CreationsPrint Creations - Quarter-Fold Greeting CardPrint Creations - Half-Fold Greeting CardPrint Creations - FunhousePrint Creations - Photo BookPrint Creations - Photo PrintsPrint Creations Photo CalendarPrint Creations - ScrapbookPrint Creations - Slimline CardPrint Creations - Quick Photo Book·网络视频Magic-i Visual Effects 2WebCam Companion 2·数码摄影机MediaImpressionMediaConverter 2.5ShowBiz DVD 2·MP4媒体播放机MediaConverter 2.5·网络Video Downloader ·2G/3G/3.5G智能型手机Advanced Photo EditorAdvanced Photo ViewerRed-EyeRemovalIMS(IP多媒体子系统)Media OrganizerMedia PlayerMultimedia MessagingMobile Broadcast TVPowerMobia for Real-Time OSPowerMobia for Windows MobileVideo EditorAnti-ShakingBlink DetectionDynamic LightingPanoramaSmart De-NoiseSmile Detection·功能手机(feature phone)PowerMobia for BREWPowerMobia for NXP NexperiaPowerMobia for TI LoCosto PlatformPowerMobia for TI OMAPV1030Video EditorAnti-ShakingBlink DetectionDynamic LightingRed-Eye RemovalSmart De-NoiseSmile Detection·GPS&PDAPowerMobia for Portable Navigation Devices·汽车相机Blink Detection·DV camcorderAnti-ShakingFaceTracking·数码相机FaceTrackingSmile DetectionBlink DetectionRed-Eye RemovalAnti-ShakingDynamic LightingSmart De-NoiseFunny FaceCreativity Embedded·数码相框Dynamic Lighting·IP相机Dynamic LightingFaceTracking·打印机Creativity EmbeddedRed-Eye Removal ·下一代多媒体个人电脑·家庭影音娱乐(蓝光/DVD)·蓝光和DVD光学驱动器TotalMedia Theatre·高清便携式摄像机·能处理高清视频的数码相机·高清电视卡和机顶盒TotalMedia 3.5·高性能显示卡TotalMedia Theatre·DV摄影机ShowBiz DVD 2·网络TotalMedia Theatre Net Edition

3. 美国虹软公司的企业荣誉

虹软杭州以良好的企业形象和骄人的业绩得到了社会各界的承认,获得了许多荣誉,具体如下:国家计委、信息产业部、外经贸部、国家税务总局联合审核认定的“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”国家科技部认定的“中国软件出口工程企业”,是国家科技部重点扶持的品牌企业中国国际投资促进会与全球著名服务外包研究咨询机构TPI、IDC、Gartner联合推出认定的“中国100强成长型服务外包企业”浙江省科技厅、浙江省财政厅、浙江省国税局、浙江省税务局联合审核认定的“高新技术企业”浙江省信息产业厅认定为“浙江省软件企业”杭州市政府认定的“杭州市服务外包出口规模前十名”企业杭州市政府认定的“杭州市服务外包出口成长前十名”企业杭州市高新区认定的“先进企业”美国虹软公司创始人兼CEO-Michael Deng荣获PMDA技术成就奖图像技术梦想家在PMDA年度颁奖典礼上获奖— 3/3/2009 —拉斯维加斯—全球顶尖的创新移动多媒体技术与应用程序供应商—美国虹软(ArcSoft)公司宣布,公司创始人兼CEO-Michael Deng荣获2009年摄影器材制造商与分销商协会(PMDA)技术成就奖。Michael Deng在图像处理技术领域的卓越贡献得到了PMDA的认可。在过去的十五年中,虹软公司开发了一系列技术革新的图像处理产品,如PhotoStudio与PhotoImpression等,以及各种嵌入式技术。Mr. Deng于1994年创立了美国虹软公司,旨在为设备商提供业界领先的图像处理技术与多媒体软件解决方案,如今这些梦想都已变成了现实!Michael Deng在2009年美国内华达州拉斯维加斯国际摄影市场联合会年度展会期间举办的PMDA年度颁奖典礼上接受了颁奖。PMDA主席Jerry Grossman表示:“我们十分高兴,能为Mr. Deng颁发2009年度的技术成就奖。他在近十五年中对多媒体领域,特别是数码图像处理技术,做出了巨大贡献,推动了整个产业的革新与发展。每年的PMDA大奖将颁发给在图像处理领域做出卓越贡献并对摄影产业有重大积极影响的组织或个人。奖项于2009年3月2日在拉斯维加斯凯撒皇宫大酒店举办的PMDA年度颁奖典礼上颁发。北美销售副总Mike Ling,表示:“自从十五年前创办虹软公司以来,Mr. Deng一直坚持不懈,率领自己的团队开发各种先进技术,并与众多合作伙伴一起不断拓展数码图像领域。对于Mr. Deng所取得的成就以及获得的奖项,我们感到十分自豪!Michael Deng作为一家有近700名员工的全球性企业负责人,正带领全体员工拓展公司业务,努力将公司发展壮大成为图像处理与多媒体技术领域的领航者。公司产品可授权给数码相机、摄像机、手机与PC机等主流硬件厂商。ArcSoft, Inc., a leading provider of innovative digital imaging technologies and multimedia solutions, announced that its Founder and CEO, Michael Deng, has received the 2009 Photo Imaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association (PMDA) Technical Achievement Award.Michael Deng is being recognized by PMDA for his contribution in the field of imaging technology. For the past fifteen years, ArcSoft has developed revolutionary imaging products such as PhotoStudio and PhotoImpression, along with various embedded technologies. Deng founded ArcSoft in 1994 with the idea of providing pioneering imaging and multimedia software solutions for device manufacturers, which has now become reality. Deng will be honored with the award at the PMDA Annual Awards Dinner held during the 2009 Photo Marketing Association Show in Las Vegas, Nevada in March.We're pleased to be able to honor Mr. Deng with our 2009 Award for Technical Achievement, said Jerry Grossman, President of the PMDA. His efforts over the last 15 years, especially in the field of digital imaging, have certainly contributed to the growth and excitement of our entire industry.The PMDA awards are given annually to the persons or organizations that have significantly contributed to the imaging industry throughout the year or throughout their careers, and have had a positive and meaningful impact on the business of photography. The award will be presented at the annual PMDA awards dinner on March 2, 2009 at Caesars Palace Hotel in Las Vegas.Since founding ArcSoft fifteen years ago, Mr. Deng has been responsible for leading his team in the development of numerous technologies and partnerships that have helped broaden the scope of digital imaging, said Mike Ling, VP Sales & Marketing, North America. We are very proud to honor Mr. Deng’s achievements and are thrilled that the imaging industry has decided to mark his many accomplishments.Currently, Deng is responsible for the expansion of a private company which now counts more than 700 employees worldwide and for creating a company which has grown to become a leader in imaging and multimedia technologies. His company has licensed its products to mainstream hardware manufacturers such as digital cameras, camcorders, mobile phones, and PCs.About ArcSoftArcSoft, Inc. is an industry leading software developer of multimedia technologies and applications across desktop and embedded platforms. Working closely with major OEM manufacturers, ArcSoft offers a full line of imaging and video solutions that enhance the features, performance, and user experience of mobile phones, digital cameras, optical drives, personal computers, and consumer electronics devices. For further details, visit arcsoft.Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved. ArcSoft and the ArcSoft logo are registered trademarks of ArcSoft, Inc. All other products and companies named herein are trademarks of their respective owners.


4. 美国虹软公司的企业简介


5. 美国虹软公司的企业文化

 以结果为导向迅即、有纪律的执行力创新努力工作,聪明工作,快乐工作 虹软倡导“在虹软工作,也在虹软生活”这样一种——工作、生活张驰有度、团队氛围融洽和谐的企业文化环境;没有为了赶项目无休止的加班,却会为了员工融入团队、丰富生活组织的各种活动:如在高新企业中有口皆碑的各类高品质主题俱乐部,年度春、秋游活动,大小部门的联谊活动等;考虑到因人而宜,公司也会根据不同工作性质和不同性格的员工(由HR进行科学的行为风格测评和日常观察所得),给予定期或不定期的交流予以排压解忧,或是为生活上突遇困难或变故的员工以帮助和资助。虹软拥有畅通有效的多渠道沟通平台,如开放、透明的员工论坛,公司也会第一时间对员工提的意见予以响应和反馈。虹软拥有优厚的待遇和多元化的激励措施。除了为高技术人才提供优渥的薪酬与福利外,也会采用各种奖评方法来推动员工的积极性,如每月之星、优秀导师、捉虫高手等。虹软重视人才的培育,建立了一流的培训体系,拥有一批出色的内部讲师和导师,真诚地为员工职业发展考虑。

