
2024-05-18 09:21

1. asking交易心得完整版

 职业炒手:炒股求财,小富靠勤 ,中富靠运, 大富靠命。
 1. 炒股一定要借力打力,四两拨千斤,硬干是不行的,顺势最关键
 2. 一定要做市场高度认同的票,要不独脚戏可不好唱哦。
 3. 这年头哪有主力,上涨靠的是市场合力,快换换脑筋吧
 4. 其实我是很少去预测大盘或个股的,一切以盘中走势为准.因为我们不是神仙,即使你有80%的准确率.那20%的失误都有可能把你的利润都磨平.
 5. 谁买谁卖不重要,关键是市场的认同度.当然,机构的号召力是很强的,需要加以重视
 1. 索罗斯说过,晚上睡觉腰痛,第二天就砍仓。承受力就像每个人的性格一样,天生了。有赚就好啦,心态好,集少成多,时间能带来一切。
 2. .股票会长期赚钱的人,肯定是个淡定从容,温和处事之人。绝少极端冲动的人。
 1. 小资金要想快速变大一定要超短线,只有超短线才能做到一年10多倍。才能最快速度挖到第一桶金。
 2. 99年到现在,专门做超短线.99年100%的收益,2000年获利12倍,2004年大概赚了300%,今年少点,有赚了将近190%.明年只要求翻一番就好了,因资金太大了,要想大幅获利不易。
 4. 我觉得超短一定要及时获利了解,在稳建的前提下尽量做大成交量,赚还佣。行情好时我都是满仓滚动操做,因为这时亏钱概率小。不好时应尽量轻仓小玩玩。
 5. 任何时候,只有半仓操作的股票迅速赢利的情况下,才能动用另半仓资金。
 6. 追涨停这招只能在市场活跃疯狂时好用.一但市场陷入盘整或下跌.那是输多赢少.容易使人失去信心
 7. 炒股吧很简单,个股活跃你就追涨,追板块的龙头就行啦。反之你就看看好啦,有超跌,你抢一把就走。道理谁都懂,但没几个人能管得住自己的手脚。这就是悲剧。
 8. 当身家超越中产阶级之上时。资金管理就是一个很重要的问题,好重坏轻,分分仓,心态好。
 9. 年纪大了,精力有限了,超短这种青春饭不好吃得动了。更何况大资金作超短,会精尽人亡。
 六:只做超强势股的追涨和守株待兔(仓位管理必不可少,否则会做电梯 )
 1. 股票投机跟艺术创作一样,是有天赋的.它没有什么太多比较固定的规律,经常是飘忽不定的,买入卖出有时就是靠感觉或突然的灵感,当然这需要长期专注看盘积累的.没有天赋,有的一辈子的努力也悟不透其中的窍窍。
 2. 一个炒股者如果看书依样画葫芦,可能会死得很惨,就如论坛里一些技法:找一两个经典图形,介绍一些共性的东西,就算是一招了。其实,这些招式只是给大家提供了一些思路而已,大量的求证此招的市场含义工作及细化操作过程都需要大家实盘去体会,任何一招未经过其本人反反复复在一年当中多种周期情况下都实盘尝试过的,都不可能为其本人真正掌握。说白了,想要学好炒股本领,你就拿出钱来,对着人家介绍,你比较喜欢的那一招(不论中、短线),一次次地实盘验证,并写下每一次实盘过程的想法,最少经过一年牛熊行情的更替,你就会初步掌握;再经过一年只此一招的训练,两年后在这招上你肯定也是好手,好了,前两年的亏损第三年可能轻松就赚回来了。可惜这句话多数人听起来以为只是垃圾,其实却是最最精华之处!!!
 3. 想当初刚入门时,也摸索出了多种方法,学会了18般武艺,兵来将档,水来土淹.随着时间的流逝,经验越来越丰富,各种技巧烂熟于心.渐渐的到现在基本上靠感觉炒股,虽然也经常出错,但都能下意识的第一时间认错.所以一波行情下来,胜利果实基本都在.运气好得话,在大盘调整时,资金还能不断创新高.说实话,我今天盘中创了新高.没想到今天尾盘杀跌.和预想的有点出入.导致仓位偏重,亏了点钱.明天可能会反弹吧.猜猜而已.其实我是很少去预测大盘或个股的,一切以盘中走势为准.因为我们不是神仙,即使你有80%的准确率.那20%的失误都有可能把你的利润都磨平.
 4. 对市场的理解力
 6. 选股很重要,是决定性的前提,但选股还不是全部。(重点)
 7. (技术指标主要看)成交量均线 K线(收盘后)不用(翻看大量个股),主要看公告,再结合市场热点锁定相关个股。(至于做下跌股的反弹选择)前期热门强势股。
 8. 从来暴涨的股票天量见天价的居多
 9. 龙头战法之所以美妙,是因为在这个市场中,不同周期之龙头如长江大河连绵不绝,纵横交错,节奏连贯,中龙之套短龙,后龙超前龙,涨停踏浪龙头如履平地。
 10. 热点龙头股,涨先涨,跌后跌。
 11. 强势股超跌;


2. 美国教父中的经典台词

3. asking的用法

asking 是一个现在分词,在这里作定语,相当于定语从句which asks.
  因为这句话已经有谓语is了,因此,asking 不能换成ask.


4. They are always asking.这个句子ask为什么要加ing?

从语法上看,前面有ARE 这个BE动词,所以ASK要变成现代分词形式加ING


5. 能帮忙翻译下面几句话吗?

1. 问:你能说说在你生活中,宽容的重要性吗? 
Can you tell me how important the tolerance is in your daily life?
Tolerance can make you more modest and can make you get on with others and then consequently your will have a happier and easier life.
Can you tell me briefly your temper and your personality?
I think of I am a person of gentle nature and perseverance and persistence are my most prominent character,
Can you tell me one or two cases which you dislike but you have no other choice except doing it?
Having ideologican and political class.
Who is the person influencing most in your life
My father influences me a lot in my growing and education.
What is the thing that you will never give up?
Pursuit of my dream, such as becoming a scientific enterpriser.
Who is the person that you will never forget?
My mother
What are the person and things you yearn most
The person I miss most is my girlfriend and the thing I yearn most is to be together with her.
What kind of helpmate will be the kindred spirit of you?
The person who is kind, gentle, outgoing and have common interest with me will be my ideal helpmate.


6. i+will+asking+my哪错了?

那么原句就改正为:I will ask myself.

7. TED英语演讲 | 拒绝丧偶式育儿 让父亲参与抚养的美好和艰辛

    The beautiful, hard work of co-parenting 
    演讲者: Joel Leon
    语言: 英语
    简介: 2019 |  讲故事的人和父亲乔尔·莱昂(Joel Leon)说,“共同育儿”不是流行语,它是一种公开,始终如一,充满爱心地向家人展示的方式。在这个动人的演讲中,他向所有父母挑战,要求他们在孩子的日常生活中扮演平等,积极的角色,即使在这个世界上,往往是母亲独自承担着牺牲的重担。莱昂鼓励有关养育子女的细微对话,并提醒我们,做父母不是责任,而是机会。
    💬   中英对照翻译 
   My name is Joel, and I'm a co-parent.
   So, growing up, I never heard the term "co-parent." I heard a lot of other things, though, for starters, "absentee father," "sperm donor" -- that's a good one -- "deadbeat dad" and, my personal favorite, "baby daddy." "Baby daddy," for those not in the know, refers to an individual who helps to conceive a child but does little else.
   在我的成长过程中,我从未听说过“共同抚养”这个词,尽管对于新手而言,我听说过其他的词,“缺席父亲”,“精子捐献者”——听起来不错——“老赖爹(deadbeat dad)”,还有我自己最喜欢的——“宝爸(baby daddy)”。给不知道的人科普一下,“宝爸”是指一个帮助怀孕,而却不对此负责的父亲。
    Baby daddy is also someone who is not married by law to the mother of said child. Growing up, I thought "co-parent" was reserved primarily for white families that starred in Netflix prime-time dramas.
   It still kind of does. But it wasn't used to explain the role of a parent. Right? Either you had kids or you didn't, and no one in my social circles or a tour dinner table was having complex conversations about the role fathers played in that conversation, right? 
   A more balanced, open, loving approach to parenting was not something we were discussing within our social circles. A majority of the time, the fathers I knew of growing up were barely present or just completely nonexistent. "Co-parent" wasn't a term I heard or saw where I grew up, where I came from.
   I come from the hood. That hood would be Creston Avenue, 188th in the Bronx. And for -- one person, that's what's up.
   Appreciate that.
   For a lot of us in that hood, there was only one person you could already turn to for food, shelter, warmth, love, discipline: our mothers.
   My mother, who I playfully call "Linda T," was my first example of real love and what showing up as a healthy co-parent looked like. She was a strong, determined single mother, a woman who would have benefited greatly from having a secure and stable partner as a co-parent.
   So I vowed whenever I got married, my boo and I would be together forever. You know?  We'd share the same bed and home, we'd sleep under the same covers, we'd argue at IKEA -- normal stuff.
   My partner would feel seen and loved, and our children would grow up in a two-parent household.
   However, things rarely ever end up how we plan them. Our daughter Lilah has never known a household with both of her parents living together under one roof. Her mother and I were never married. We dated on and off for several months before we found out she was pregnant. 
   Up until then, my mother didn't even know she existed. I was ashamed, I was embarrassed, and, at times, I was suicidal. I was asking myself, what was I doing? Where was I going wrong? In ever wanted the stigma or label of what some identified as the stereotypical "black father." So: absentee, confrontational, combative, not present.
   It took a lot of work, time, energy and effort for us to finally realize that maybe co-parenting for us didn't need to mean a shared household and wedding bells, that maybe, just maybe, the way we showed up as co-parents lay not only in the layered nuances of our partnership but the capacity within our hearts to tend to a human that we helped create together.
   It would involve love in a nurturing and safe environment that would feed Lilah long after we both left this earth.
   Fast-forward four years, and Lilah is now in pre-K. She loves gummies, and she says things like, "My heart is filled with love." She's the most loving, compassionate, empathetic human being I know, and the reason I get to tell you all of this is because she's back in the Bronx with her mother. 
   You see, this is co-parenting, and in an ideal world, my mother would have had a co-parent, too. She would have had support, someone to show up and give her a break, a time off. 
   In an ideal world, every parent is a co-parent. In an ideal world, both parents share the weight of the work appropriately. Lilah's mother and I have a schedule. Some days, I leave work and pick Lilah up from school, some days I don't. Lilah's mother gets to go rock climbing or study for the LSAT, and I get to stand in a room full of bold, dynamic and powerful women and talk about dad stuff.
   It is work, it is beautifully hard work dismantling the systems that would have us believe a woman's primary role is in the kitchen, tending to all things domestic, while the hapless dad fumbles all over himself whenever he has to spend a weekend alone with the kids. It is work that needs to happen right now.
   You see, far too often, what it seems like is when both parents are working, one parent is typically tasked with organizing the household and keeping the home running. That person is typically a woman or someone who identifies as such. Far too often, those who identify as mothers and as women have to sacrifice their dreams in order to appease the standard. 
   They have to sacrifice their dreams in order to ensure that motherhood takes precedence over all else. And I'm not here to say that it doesn't, but what I am here to say is, as equal partners and co-parents, it is our duty to ensure that our co-parenting partners don't have to put their passions, their pursuits and their dreams to the back burner just because we're too self-absorbed to show up as allies.
   Co-parenting makes the space possible for everybody. As a co-parent, the time I've gotten to share and spend with Lilah is time I appreciate, the time that has allowed me to be fully present for my child, removing the notion that the emotional labor required to raise a child is a woman's work. As a co-parent, Lilah and I have built snowmen, we've played with acorns, we've rapped to the soundtrack of "Moana," I know you have, too.
   She's sat with me while I've led workshops at Columbia University, when I talk about the intersections of poetry, hip-hop and theater. We get to talk about her emotions and her feelings because we have exclusive time together, and that time is planned time, it's organized around not just my schedule but her mother's. Both of us, as co-parents, have unique parenting styles. And we may argue at times, but what we can always agree on is how to raise a human --our human.
   I will never fully understand or comprehend what it means to hold a child in my body for 10 months. I will never be able to understand the trials and tribulations of breastfeeding, the work that it takes, the emotional, physical, psychological and emotional toll that carrying a human can have on the female body. 
   What co-parenting does is say, we can create balance, a more balanced home and work life for everyone involved. Co-parenting says that while parenting may involve sacrifices, yes, the weight of that sacrifice is not solely resting on one parent alone. No matter your relational dynamic, no matter how you identify as a human being -- he, she, they, ze -- co-parenting says we can create space and equity, better communication, empathy, I hear you, I see you, how can I show up for you in ways that benefits our family?
   My goal: I want more fathers to embrace co-parenting as a model for a better tomorrow, a better today for ourselves, for our co-parenting partners, for our families, for our community. I want more fathers talking about fatherhood openly, candidly, honestly, lovingly. Right? I want more people to recognize that black fathers in particular are more than the court system, more than child support and more than what the media might portray us to be.
   Our role as fathers, our role as parents, our value as parents is not dependent on the zeroes at the ends of our checks but the capacity within our hearts to show up for our families, for the people we love, for our little ones.
   Being a father is not only a responsibility, it's an opportunity. This is for Dwain, this is for Kareem "Buc" Drayton, this is for Biggs, this is for Boola, this is for Tyron, this is for all the black fathers who are showing up on a day-to-day basis. This is for Charles Lorenzo Daniels, my father,who didn't have the language or the tools to show up in the ways that he wanted to.
   Thank you.
   My name is Joel.
   Hi Bria, hi West.
   (In Yoruba) Amen.

TED英语演讲 | 拒绝丧偶式育儿 让父亲参与抚养的美好和艰辛

8. 英语开场白

      It's sometimes hard to break the ice with people you've never met before. Whether at a corporate event or big party, there's no reason to hide in a corner. Instigating conversation can lead to amazing connections that help you obtain your dream job or lead you to a new best friend — or great date! Not sure where to start? We have 40 conversation starters to make mingling fun.
      1.Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease.
      2. Do you have any pets? People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start.
      3. What's your favorite book? Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection.
      3. 你最喜欢的书是哪一本? 如果直接询问对方正在阅读的书,显得太过亲密。而问他们喜欢的书利于在彼此之间建立联系。
      4. What's the first thing you do after work? Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed.
      4. 下班后做的第一件事是什么?是踢掉鞋子?去健身?问人们如何放松能让他们感到愉快。
      5. What's your dream job? Even at a corporate gathering, inquiring about someone's dream job is a fun way to get a conversation started.
      5. 你理想的职业是什么?即使是在公司聚会上,问理想职业也是开始对话的一种有效方式。
      6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone.
      6. 如果你可以住在世界上任何一个地方,你会住在哪?不是每个人都有机会到处旅行,这个问题能让大家都开心起来。
      7. What countries have you traveled to? Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories.
      7. 你去过哪些国家?即使你没有出去旅游过,问问别人可以让他们分享回忆。
      8. Do you like to cook? Asking about favorite dishes and culinary adventures sparks delicious dishing.
      8. 你喜欢烹饪吗?问问对方最喜欢的菜肴,烹饪方面的经历总能引起有趣的话题。
      9. What's your favorite food? Everyone eats, making this an icebreaker that works anywhere, anytime.
      9. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?民以食为天,这个问题百试不灵。
      10. What's your favorite drink? A wonderfully basic question, asking about best-loved beverages works at any gathering.
      10. 你最喜欢的饮料是什么? 绝妙的常规问题。任何聚会上问这个问题总不会错。
      11. Do you have a favorite local restaurant? This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.
      11. 你有最喜欢的餐厅吗?这个问题能让人们谈论起日常休闲的地方,使大家放松。
      12. What's your favorite movie? You can find out a lot about a person when you chat about a favorite movie. Follow it up with specific questions, such as scene stealers and actors in the flick.
      12. 你最喜欢哪部电影?人们对电影的喜好能反映个人特点。接着问些具体的问题,比如谁最抢戏,片中的演员等等。
      13. What movie are you dying to see? Jump in with a question that involves everyone and will get a group chatting over new releases.
      13. 哪一部电影你非看不可?这个问题可以让所有人都加入到对新影片的讨论中。
      14. What are you watching on TV? This is another question that won't offend and is open-ended, encouraging even the supershy to start chatting.
      14. 你都看些什么电视节目?这又是一个比较中性的问题,答案很开放,让那些性格内向的人也能加入讨论。
      15. What's the last concert you went to? Another easygoing question for one-on-one conversation or for jumping into a group conversation. And it's a fun way to find out what kinds of music your new friends listen to.
      15. 你最近去的音乐会是那一场?这个话题不仅适合两个人谈论,作为小组讨论的话题也完全没问题,还能让你知道新朋友的音乐偏好。
      16. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? For those who are ready to make a bold first impression, this is a question that gets attention and can lead to fun conversation.
      16. 你做过的最疯狂的事是什么?如果你想让人印象深刻的话,这是一个能够吸引注意而且制造乐趣的话题。
      17. If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only one item, what would it be? Yes, a classic one-liner, but this convo starter always gets a good answer.
      17. 如果你被困在沙漠中但只能带一样东西,你会带什么?没错,就是这个经典的问题,但通常你会得到一个好回答。
      18. What's your favorite season? Here's a question that works well with the "it's always easy to talk about the weather" concept. Follow up by asking about the current weather conditions, and you have a conversation.
      18. 你最喜欢的季节是哪一个? 这个问题验证了那句“如果不知道说什么,问天气总是没错的。”这之后再问现在的天气状况,对话就开始啦。
      19. Do you speak any other languages? Asking a semipersonal question encourages others to share information about themselves without feeling guarded.
      19. 你会说其他语言吗?问一些比较私人的话题,可以让对方分享一些信息但又不会过度防备。
      20. Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? Make chatting easy by asking about future plans — without setting off a stalker vibe. Keep it light and share your plans too.
      20. 这个周末有什么计划?关于未来打算的问题让对话变得轻松,但不要刨根问底,给人居心叵测的感觉。尽量保证话题轻松,同时也分享你的计划。
      21. Where's your favorite place to hang out in town? Here is another fun way to start a conversation about your community without being threatening. And it opens discussion to favorite restaurants, bars, and shops.
      21. 镇上最喜欢的去处?这又是一个有趣而不私人的开场问题。接着就可以讨论最喜欢的`餐厅,酒吧和商店。
      22. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? A genuine compliment makes anyone smile.
      22. 我很喜欢你的衬衫,在哪买的?真诚的称赞能换来对方的笑脸。
      23. I can't place this song — do you know it? Hey, even if you know the tune, asking someone else about the music playing is a simple start.
      23. 我想不起来这首歌叫什么了——你知道吗? 哪怕你知道答案,问对方这个问题能轻松的让你们开始攀谈。
      24. How long have you been at your job? Even at a corporate event, asking others about their job titles, roles, and how long they have been at the company breaks the ice.
      24. 你在现在的工作岗位上做了几年?即使在公司活动上,询问关于职位和工作时间也是很好的开场白。
      25. Tell me about something that made you laugh this week. Everyone loves a good laugh! Asking about something that brought on a chuckle makes anyone smile.
      25. 告诉我这星期让你开心的事情吧。人人都爱笑!讨论点有趣的事能让人开怀一笑。
      26. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? A bit more direct, but asking a specific question that requires thought can really make an impression.
      26. 如果你有一百万美元,你会做什么?这问题有点直接,不过这种需要思考的问题通常能给人留下印象。
      27. How are you today? Sure, this is a no-brainer question, but it gets people talking.
      27. 今天怎么样?好吧,这问题有点没水准,但总能让人说点什么。
      28. Where is the best place you have ever visited? Taking a vacation is always wonderful. Asking someone new about a favorite destination is always an easy way to start talking.
      28. 你去过最赞的地方是哪?假期绝对是个好话题,而问人们最喜欢的地方让谈话很容易就开始。