
2024-05-18 10:13

1. 食品公司英语food需要加s吗?

food是不可数名词。本身Food就代表了各种各样的食物 食品。是一个统称。
表示泛指的食物或食物总体时是不可数名词如:a shortage of food食物短缺 
表示固体的食物时是不可数名词如:Without food and drink we cannot survive for long.没有食物和水我们活不了多久.
表示特定的食品时是可数名词如:health foods保健食品baby foods 婴儿食品frozen foods冷冻食品sea foods 海鲜
固定短语 junk food 垃圾食品 是单数。这个是固定用法。


2. 请帮我把这个中文翻译成英语:岩峰食品有限公司

Yanfeng Food Co.,Ltd.——厂名用了中文直译,如果没有特殊要求的话^_^
百事食品(中国)有限公司 PepsiCo Foods (China) Co. Ltd

3. Newly Weds Foods Co.Ltd.工资怎么样

【英语1】Food Co., Ltd.
【英语2】Foods Co., Ltd.
【英语3】Foodstuff Co., Ltd.
Foshan Yifeng Foodstuff CO.,LTD.

Newly Weds Foods Co.Ltd.工资怎么样

4. 食品有限公司中的"食品"英文怎么说?是food还是foods,“有限公司”是co.,ctd 还是corporation 有区别吗?

食品有限公司中的食品一般用food,也有用foodstuufs,co.,ltd是company limited的缩写,与corporation不同。corporation一般是指股份有限公司。

5. china foods有哪些,western countries foods有哪些,China

china foods:

烧饼    clay oven rolls    
油条    fried bread stick    
韭菜盒    fried leek dumplings    
蒸饺    steamed dumplings    
馒头    steamed buns    
割包    steamed sandwich    
饭团    rice and vegetable roll    
蛋饼    egg cakes    
豆浆    soybean milk    
咸豆浆    salted soybean milk    
米浆    rice & peanut milk    
肉包    pork bun    
花卷    steamed bread roll    
银丝卷    silk-thread roll    


白饭    plain rice    
油饭    glutinous oil rice    
糯米饭    glutinous rice    
卤肉饭    braised pork rice    
蛋炒饭    fried rice with egg    
虾仁炒饭    fried rice with shrimp    
八宝饭    eight treasures rice    
什锦炒饭    mixed fried rice    
稀饭    rice congee    
小米粥    millet congee    
地瓜粥    sweet potato  congee    
绿豆粥    mung-bean congee    

阳春面    plain noodles    
汤面    noodles in soup    
炒面    fried noodles    
米粉    rice noodles    
冬粉    mung bean noodles     
粄条    flat noodles    
面线 (细面)    thin noodles    
牛肉面    beef noodles    
榨菜肉丝面    pickled mustard root, pork noodles    
麻酱面    sesame paste noodles    
刀削面    sliced noodles    
鸭肉面    duck noodles    
鹅肉面    goose noodles    
鳝鱼面    eel noodles    
炸酱面    soybean paste noodles    
馄饨面    wonton noodles    
海鲜面    seafood noodles    
排骨面    spareribs noodles    
凉 (拌) 面    cold noodles with sauce    
花枝面    squid noodles    
什锦炒面    fried noodles with chop suey    
蚵仔面线    oyster thin noodles    
炒米粉    fried rice noodles    

鱼丸汤    fish ball soup    
贡丸汤    meat ball soup    
馄饨汤    wonton soup    
蛋花汤    egg & vegetable  soup    
蛤蜊汤    clam soup    
蚵仔汤    oyster soup    
紫菜汤    purple seaweed soup    
海鲜汤    seafood soup    
酸辣汤    hot & sour  soup    
猪肠汤    pork intestine soup    
猪肝汤    pork liver soup    
猪血汤    pork blood soup    
麻油鸡汤    sesame chicken soup    
排骨酥汤    spareribs soup    
肉羹    pork thick soup    
花枝羹    squid thick soup    
豆花    tofu pudding    
爱玉    vegetarian gelatin    
麻花    hemp flower    
糖葫芦    tomatoes on stick    
芝麻球    glutinous rice sesame ball    
双胞胎    horse hooves    
杏仁豆腐    almond tofu    
月饼    moon cake    
年糕    new-year's hard rice cake    
锅贴    fried dumpling    
虾球    shrimp ball    
虾片    prawn cracker    
水饺    boiled dumpling    
水晶饺    pyramid dumpling    
元宵    full-moon dumpling (glutinous rice ball)    
春卷    spring roll    
鸡卷    chicken roll    
肉圆    Taiwanese meatball (rice-meat dumpling)    
小笼包    small steamed bun    
豆沙包    smashed (red) bean bun    
碗糕    salty rice pudding    
红豆糕    red bean cake    
绿豆糕    bean paste cake    
芋头糕    taro cake    
萝卜糕    fried white radish cake    
糯米糕    glutinous rice cake    
猪血糕    pork blood cake    
筒仔米糕    rice tube pudding    
油豆腐    oily tofu (bean-curd)    
臭豆腐    stinky tofu    
甜不辣    tempura    
蚵仔煎    oyster omelet    
凤梨酥    pineapple cake    
茶叶蛋    boiled egg in tea    
皮蛋    100-year egg    
咸鸭蛋    salted duck egg    
豆乾    dried tofu    
当归鸭    angelica duck    

香肠    pork sausage    
肉松    crushed dried pork    
酱瓜    pickled cucumber    
冬菜    spiced cabbage    
榨菜    pickled mustard root    
泡菜    pickled vegetables (pickles)    
牛肉乾    dried beef    
豆乾    dried tofu    
面筋    flour gluten    
豆瓣酱    broad bean paste    
辣椒酱    chili sauce    
豆腐乳    preserved bean-curd (bean-curd cheese)    
萝卜乾    dried turnip    
酱姜    soy-preserved ginger    

槟榔    betel nut    
青草茶    herb juice    
八宝冰    eight treasures ice    
红豆牛奶冰    red bean with milk ice    

western countries:

波兰共和国(Republic of Poland)
波士尼亚赫塞哥维纳(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
保加利亚共和国(Republic of Bulgaria)
比利时王国(Kingdom of Belgium)
冰岛共和国(Republic of Iceland)
葡萄牙共和国(Portuguese Republic)
马其顿共和国(Republic of Macedonia)
马尔他共和国(Republic of Malta)
摩纳哥侯国(Principality of Monaco)
法兰西共和国(French Republic)
芬兰共和国(Republic of Finland)
大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国(英国)(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
德意志联邦共和国(Federal Republic of Germany)
丹麦王国(Kingdom of Denmark)
南斯拉夫联邦共和国(Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
挪威王国(Kingdom of Norway)
拉脱维亚共和国(Republic of Latvia)
立陶宛共和国(Republic of Lithuania)
列支敦斯登侯国(Principality of Liechtenstein)
卢森堡大公国(Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
克罗埃西亚共和国(Republic of Croatia)
荷兰王国(Kingdom of The Netherlands)
教廷(Holy See)
捷克共和国(The Czech Republic)
西班牙王国(Kingdom of Spain)
希腊共和国(Hellenic Republic)
匈牙利共和国(Republic of Hungary)
圣马利诺共和国(Republic of San Marino)
瑞典王国(Kingdom of Sweden)
瑞士联邦[Swiss Confederation (Switzerland)]
斯洛伐克共和国(The Slovak Republic)
斯洛维尼亚共和国(Republic of Slovenia)
阿尔巴尼亚共和国(Republic of Albania)
爱沙尼亚共和国(Republic of Estonia)
爱尔兰共和国(Republic of Ireland)
奥地利共和国(Republic of Austria)
安道尔侯国(Principality of Andorra)
义大利共和国(Italian Republic)
China table manners:

1. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you 
will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main 
dishes to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are 
supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for someone to serve food to 
their own plate, and then copy what they do. On occasion, an eager Chinese 
host may place food into your bowl or on your plate. This is normal. 
1. 食物是通过大的公用盘子盛装的,基本上都会提供公用筷方便你将食物分到你自己的盘
2. It is rude to not eat what you are given. If you are offered something you 
absolutely can't stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your 
plate. Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full. 
2. 分到你盘子的食物你不吃是很失礼的。如果有些食物你真的吃不下可以先把其他能吃的
3. Don't stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice. As with any Buddhist culture, 
placing two chopsticks down in a bowl of rice is what happens at a funeral. By 
doing this, you indicate that you wish death upon those at the table. 
3. 不要把筷子插在装满米饭的碗里。因为在佛教文化里,将双筷插在碗里是葬礼时的祭祀
4. Do not play with your chopsticks, point at objects with them, or drum them on the table - this is rude. Do not tap them on the side of your dish, either, as this 
is used in restaurants to indicate that the food is taking too long, and it will 
offend your host. 
4. 不要把玩筷子,比如用筷子指手画脚,或是在桌上敲击筷子,这些都是很失礼的,也切
5. When setting down your chopsticks, place them horizontally on top of your 
plate, or place the ends on a chopstick rest. Do not set them on the table. 
5. 当你想放下筷子时,要将筷子水平放置在你的盘子上,或者将筷子搁置在筷子架上,别
6. Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, 
and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the 
6. 应该右手持筷,用大拇指和食指夹紧筷子。吃饭时,左手托碗,使碗离开桌面。
7. Do not stab anything with your chopsticks, unless you are cutting vegetables or similar. If you are in a small, intimate setting with friends, then stabbing 
smaller so as to grab items is okay, but never do this at a formal dinner or 
around those who adhere strictly to tradition. 
7. 不要用筷子戳东西,除非是将大片蔬菜或其他食物分开。如果是跟亲密朋友的小型聚餐,将食物用筷子分成小块方便夹取是可以的,但在正式宴会上,或是同桌人都非常遵守传统的场合千万别这么做。
8. When tapping glasses for a cheer, be sure that the edge of your drink is below that of a senior member, as you are not their equal. This will show respect. 
8. 举酒干杯时要确定你酒杯里酒的平面刻度要比在座的长者低,以显示你们的辈分不同,
9. When eating something with bones, it is normal to spit them out onto the 
table to the right of your plate. 
9. 在吃有骨头的东西时,要将骨头分离装在你右手边的盘子里。
10. Do not get offended if your fellow diners eat with their mouth open, or talk 
with their mouth full. This is normal in China. Enjoy, laugh, and have fun. 
10. 有时同桌的人嘴里满含食物跟你交谈时不要觉得被冒犯了。在中国这比较正常,因为
western countries table manners:
1.When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove it against the back of her legs.

 you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone 
to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a
 long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and

 things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, 
clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.

4.Don't snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it's an Olympic flag.

 you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glass 
upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply
 place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, 

6.If you're eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to avoid staining the rim of the glass.

 a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it's being passed to someone who 
asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude.

 the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to 
your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him.

9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."

 out with friends or family - even at a fancy restaurant - it's OK to 
ask for your leftovers to be wrapped. But don't do it at a business 
lunch or dinner.
2.营养平衡:balanced nutrition
3.搭配合理:with a reasonable
4.重视健康:emphasis on 


china foods有哪些,western countries foods有哪些,China

6. 请高人翻译 汉译英

Today what I must introduce is Pepsi Cola the Pepsi is in the world one of most successful consumable companies, has 140,000 employees in the global more than 200 countries and the area, amounted to 29,300,000,000 US dollars in 2004 yearly incomes, became global 4 big foods and the drink company. the Pepsi has many drink products, like “Pepsi Cola”, “seven happy”, “the US year reach” and so on. Perhaps everybody most familiar is Pepsi Cola, it shares the honor with the famous Coca-Cola. the Coca Cola Company as early as has been founded in 1892, when Pepsi starts sells may be happy, the Coca Cola Company had already developed the big piece market, becomes in the people mind best to be possible the happy brand. In hundred matters and the delicious competition, hundred matter 60 for many years has been in the inferiority, until 1960, Pepsi Cola has redefined oneself product position: Is different with the established brand Coca-Cola, they their may define happily for the young people may be happy. On the trademark color, hundred matter's blue colors compared to delicious red hastens with the young people. And spent the large amount of money please at that time young people's idol, like Mike. Czechoslovakia abdicates arranges the advertisement. Even the use let Soviet leader Khrushchev with the American Vice President Nixon's special relationship then make a another person impression profound advertisement for Pepsi Cola. After several year endeavor, hundred matters and the delicious disparity reduction are 1:2. the Pepsi promotes the breakthrough hope (Dare for More) dares first (Dare to Be No.1) the message, attempts the new product unceasingly, and has made the progress, becomes drink which the Chinese young people like. Now, Pepsi Cola accounts for 31% in China's carbonic acid drink sale ratio, wins in the Coca-Cola. sale plan: Sichuan purchasing price 600ml each bottle of 2 Yuan sell the selling price 3 Yuan to sell the local middle school, the university, each kind of recreation area, like movie theater, amusement park.

7. 中国食品集团公司 这个公司的简介或者网站 不要把百科上的那个粘贴过来 那个我都看过了


中国食品集团公司 这个公司的简介或者网站 不要把百科上的那个粘贴过来 那个我都看过了

8. 自己翻译的感觉不对。还有几个烘培业企业请懂得帮翻译一下。
